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Why Miles of Trials is the Running Program You Need!

So, let’s debate… Do you need a running coach or not? Well, if you’ve made it this far, you’re at least considering it. Let me be the first to tell you… YOU DO! HAHA Yeah, the running coach guy is trying to push his program… But seriously, I think you do. Hear me out on these, relate it back to your own training and if you’re curious shoot me an email and let’s talk about it.

Here are our top 5 reasons you need a running coach:

#1 Help Identify Specific Goals

Are you new to running and not sure where to start? Are you in a rut? Times aren’t improving or weather got you down? It may be time to examine your goals… Let’s sit down, take a look at what you’re doing and what you want to achieve. You don’t have to make decision on your own! We can help you set reasonable and attainable goals that can give purpose to your training and racing again! Purpose makes running so much more fun!!

#2 Keep You Motivated & Accountable

I’ll be honest… Running is hard. I promise you there will be days when you don’t want to walk out that door. But that’s why you need someone to keep you motivated and accountable. We’re the cheerleaders during workouts, dropping inspiration messages before a race and facetiming for a post-race PR Beer… But we’re also here for tough love when you need a little kick in the ass to get out the door! It’s way too easy to skip days without a coach checking up on you!

#3 Avoid Injuries & Adjust to Stay Healthy

THE BEST, MOST SUCESSFUL TRAINING IS CONSISTENCY!!! Don’t let anyone lie to you… there is no magic program to make you better. Avoiding injuries keep you running allowing you to “stack pennies,” stacking enough makes a buck, don’t it? How do you do that? Adjusting your training when dealing with aches and pains, knowing when you should keep running or playing it safe and taking a day. Having a coach will save you from sitting on the shelf & you can’t “stack pennies” if you’re sitting on the shelf!!

#4 Build Confidence

A good coach sets their athletes up for success and growth. Workouts and runs prescribed leading up to a race should instill confidence in you to be able to show up on race day and perform the way you want to perform. Whether its race pace workouts or building your aerobic endurance you should be able to head to the start line having a good idea of what you can do. It takes the stress out of racing. There’s nothing better starting a race knowing you’re going to perform well!

#5 Individualized Training

Everyone is different!! Training with Miles of Trials allows us to prescribe you with specific training to help you get better. It may be 30 miles a week with 1 workout while another athlete at Miles of Trials may run 80 miles a week with 3 workouts. We just want you to run well! Since we’re virtual you have complete 1 on 1 access to coach! Combine that with Final Surge and we’re able to provide and update your training schedule instantly. We’re able to comment, analyze and digest giving you the best experience possible!

With that being said, if you’re honestly looking to get better on the track, road or course hiring a running coach is for you! Setting new goals with the support of a running coach can reignite your passion for running. Team that with our motivation and ability to keep you healthy and accountable, your confidence and performance is endless!

If you’re interested or have questions about Miles of Trials, please, don’t hesitate to reach out! My email is

- Coach Howard

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