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Welcome to The Long Run

Welcome to The Long Run!

I’m excited to finally get this thing off the ground! It feels like this project has been in the works forever and finally seeing the light of day. I wanted to take the opportunity in our first blog to explain how we got here and what to look forward to from Miles of Trials.

About a year and a half ago I was really struggling with my current career path. I felt unmotivated and hated going to work… I wanted to make a career shift, but nothing allowed me to follow my passion of coaching cross country & track at my Alma Mater after work hours like my current job did so I decided to make my own opportunity and with that I created Miles of Trials.

From the start, I was drawn to the term “Miles of Trials” as descriptive brand name. Every runner has overcome adversity while training whether its injury, the weather, busy schedules, family life, etc. Mix that in with the countless amount training miles and you’ve got Miles of Trials. It’s a journey from the first mile you run to the last and everyone in-between changes you.

At first, the vision for MoT was to offer virtual run coaching and a blog for training trips, but for anyone who knows me, I don’t do things half assed…

Mile of Trials’ number goal is to offer successful, personalized virtual run coaching to help you hit your racing and/or fitness goals. As for the blog, I’ve overhauled the idea and it’ll include more than just training tips. Look for this section to include tips, product reviews, some food review, motivation, inspiration, some throwbacks, and random thoughts that pop in my head (just like what happens on a run out on the trail). Some will be formal, others informal, never censored and just my thoughts.

From there, my idea evolved into a brand. As I mentioned above “Miles of Trials” is descriptive. Everyone who has the will to get out the door and go for a run is a badass especially if it’s a daily ritual… They go through shit; every day is a trial and they are hell bent on conquering it. This is our brand and it’s something to be proud of. Therefore, I have decided to add apparel, so our athletes can show off our brand that symbolizes all the hard work they put in.

Finally, we are going to be active on social media. If you’re out on the beaten path you should know we are too!

I’m excited to watch Miles of Trials take life. I hope runners all over the country can find something relatable. Please take the time to interact, share and promote our brand!!

Trevor Howard

Founder of Miles of Trials

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