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Welcome to

Miles of Trials

We provide virtual run coaching, unique to your skill set and schedule, allowing you to achieve your running goals. The time, effort and sacrifices bring meaning to our brand, Miles of Trials


Why Team with MOT?

Having a Personal Coach is more than receiving a Training Plan... 

Integrated online training

Training is issued through Final Surge, add their app and have your training schedule on the go! Once you run, check back for coach feedback!

1:1 Coaching

Open communication allows for adjustable planning and the necessary feedback to provide the most personal training plans.

Long Term 


The best training is consistent training. We work together to keep you healthy and on your feet for long term development

Who is right for mot? 

Miles of Trails is for anyone wanting to take their running to the next level. Runners of all abilities are welcome as we work together to provide you with the most efficient training, planned around your busy, daily schedule. All questions will be answered so you can just focus on training!

Specialized in:

Marathon   Half Marathon   5k to 10 Miles   Boston Qualifying   Improved Fitness 

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More than a Coaching Service

Miles of Trials is our Brand. 


community of runners, hardened by the elements, running before dawn and strength work after dusk. Creatures of habit and sculptures of hard work. Training to be better than we were yesterday to race faster than we've ever raced before. 

The Long Run

A blog by a runner for a runner...

You've felt the feeling, out on the trail, lost in your thoughts, lost in the minutes, lost in the miles... That's what we do here, some things running, all things life. You may find inspiration and motivation, a review on a running shoe, nutrition tips, events in the running world or some simple thoughts. 

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